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Recreational Vs. Technical Dpv Training – Which Course Is For Me? - By Tim Blömeke

DPVs or underwater scooters are becoming increasingly popular, for good reason: They offer the opportunity to cover more ground, save gas by reducing exertion, and improve safety by enabling divers to push against currents. Plus, they’re a lot of fun.However, the use of DPVs also […]


If GUE itself needs an introduction for you, let's keep it simple here and say that Global Underwater Explorers is a non profit committed to diver education, and to exploration, conservation and scientific projects. Training is intended to help divers participate in the range of […]

Suex And The Five Year Warranty

In 2022 Suex took the bold step of announcing a five year (5 For You) warranty program on the their DPV's. For a while we were wondering how it would be applied but the clarification came to us straight from the CEO, Alessandro Fenu, at […]

Ghost Diving Southeast Asia Team's Pioneer Mindoro Project

  Ghost Diving Southeast Asia Team's Pioneer Mindoro Project    Ghost Diving Southeast Asia is the newest international chapter of Ghost Diving , a registered charity founded in 2012 by technical divers specializing in removing lost fishing gear and other marine debris.  They hyperfocus on physically […]

Gpacers Diver Rescue System

    One of the worst feelings a diver can have...Surfacing with land almost not in sight, the boat the size of a pin head on the horizon, and the sun going down behind you so you know it's shining in the Captains eyes. and […]